I love the lighting in old dark buildings that have lots of windows. The company my husband works for owns pubs and hotels and it seems most of their places have this lighting that I love so much. I always bring my camera along when I know we will be eating at one. This was Friday night at Ringlers, the pub connected to the historic Crystal Ballroom where we will be seeing Modest Mouse in a couple of weeks. I am feeling overwhelmed by a million and one projects I have started and not completed. From painting to cleaning to sewing to grocery lists...Where I once was efficient and tidy I have become the opposite and it to be like it was before. All that and sales are slow with my vintage stuff. I need movement to be motivated and when it stalls I stall. Also stalled on the creative front...pretty much all I've made lately has me holding my head in my hands wanting to cry. So I know I should just step back from it all but my instincts have always led me to push on through which now feels like trying to force the square shape into a circle one. My goal: to be happy with the ways things are, to just let it be. I'll let you know how that goes ;)
true, sometimes when i'm stalled i have to step back. here's to hoping it gets better soon.
It must be something in the air (from all the way over there to here) because I've been feeling the same way and trying to talk myself out of it. I hope you feel better.
these are such lovely photos, and i hope i can be an encouragement when i say that you have inspired me so much!! thank you for that. i am sorry things are just so so for you right now. maybe it's just the opportunity you need to remember to do what you love because you love it, and not for any other reason or person. i have had to remind myself this so many, many times when i felt like i lost my creativity. cheer up, Little Byrd, because you are fabulous!
It's hard not to fill this space up with every cliche about feeling better about yourself, but truly, as Vintage Modern girl says, you are an inspiration...not to worry, its the change in weather...it brings personal change for us too, the way the wind has started to pick up your hair when you walk down the street...there is something big coming your way..something great..You'll see!
I don't consider myself an artist or crafter, but recently I've been craving to find an outlet for this creative urge - but I am not sure *what* that creative urge is. Is it rearranging furniture and painting the walls in my house? Could it be something else? Something I haven't tried? I guess, what I'm trying to say is that... limbo is always hard...and what you describe so perfectly feels a little bit like that. Maybe seeing those incredible birds coming back this Fall - such a dynamic image - will help you feel better...
I just saw your little clutch that you added to your store and it didn't make me cry. It's adorable! But I know how ruts come...and go...and always return... :)
p.s. love the lighting and the dark ceilings. perfect rustic pub for a Guinness.
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