Tuesday, June 2, 2009



~h~ said...

I keep fake lemons around because I love the yellow and can't seem to find enough uses for real lemons all of the time. & your garage has some seriously wonderful lighting/backdrops for your finds! :)

georgia b. said...

lovely lemon images. i love the scent of lemon—and the flavor. i just realized after seeing these, that i also love the way they look. fresh, clean, simple. it's a theme i want for my home—not lemons, rather fresh and clean and simple.

Blondiensc said...

Yes please. thanks!! :)

sweetly lovely afternoon said...

Lemons are a very plentiful crop in many of my neighboring communities. When the groves are ripe, the scent of lemon fills the air. I love how yellow never fails to bring a little cheer to the soul and lemons...they never fail to bring pucker to the lips:)